Lewis Online Learning

Lewis Online Learning

About Lewis Center Online Learning

The Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary makes available a series of online courses to equip pastors and other church leaders for more fruitful service. They are noncurricular courses intended for self-study, continuing education, and professional development. The convenient online format allows you to study at your own pace, when and where you choose. You can enroll and get started with any of these courses at any point.

The courses are presented on a custom-designed web platform that integrates written content, video instruction, individual reflection, and student input submitted for review.  Upon satisfactory completion of course requirements, enrollees receive continuing education certificates issued by the Lewis Center. 

For more information contact lewiscenter@wesleyseminary.edu.

Lewis Center for Church Leadership

Copyright ©2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership | All right reserved
Lewis Center for Church Leadership is part of Wesley Theological Seminary
Email: lewiscenter@wesleyseminary.edu
4500 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20016
Phone: 202-664-5700
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